Thursday, July 4, 2013

Why I am Thankful For Another Birthday

The calendar says I am a year older today. We are always growing older not just all of a sudden on a special day.

A birthday is an excellent time to look back and consider one's life. There are many things I am thankful for this year. I have seen many blessings in my family,

This year...

     * My wife and I have had some pleasant dates together.
     * My kids have had some significant accomplishments.
     * I have made a new friend who shares many of my values and we have had many rewarding conversations together.
     * We may not be out of debt but we are no worse off.
     * We had a wonderful vacation this summer.
     * My daughter and I had a good time working together at a service project at church.
     * My son and I have worked together on at job where I developed a huge amount of respect for him and his work attitude.
     * An opportunity to get extra work came and I have earned a little extra pay.
     * I have had several successes at projects around the house.
There are many more to list but it would become boring.

This year I have felt my walk with God to be more close and reaching into new areas in my life. I have been seeing more need for prayer and a sense of partnership with The Almighty in things that I used to think were too small for God or things I should handle myself.

This year I have been trying to take pause to quietly listen to His spirit give me leading and promptings more often. I have been asking God what I should do in this situation or that- not just those huge major life decisions. This deeper intimacy with God has been my greatest blessing this year.