Sunday, June 3, 2012

Being Thankful for a Good Day

Sometimes we are thankful for a day well spent, and for many of us that means being busy and getting things done, for others it may be a day of recreation.

My Definition of a Good Day:
For me I hope a day well spent a day doing what God wants me to do. If I get a lot done and enjoy myself but don't get to spend time in devotion to God, (and for me that is Bible reading, prayer and reflection), then I sense the day was poorly spent. If I do a lot of fun and important stuff but I fail to do the most important thing of spending time with God then everything else feels secondary.

My Good Day:
Not just because the weather was nice and I was able to enjoy the outdoors, nor because I was able to get a lot of productive things done, but the last two days were good because I did the important thing early and spent time with God. I see his blessing on my projects and relationships because I sought to be a blessing to Him.

Looking back over the day yesterday and today I am very thankful that I got so much done.

  • Loads and loads of laundry.
  • Cleaned dishes.
  • Painted a picture on the bike path.
  • Drew a sketch of a young man.
  • Had dinner with my wonderful wife.
  • Enjoyed time spent with friends at church.
  • Did some reading.
  • Took some pictures.
  • Went for a walk.
  • Relaxed- it is the weekend!
The Most Important Thing:
These were some of the things that made my day today and yesterday Good Days. The most important thing that made them Good Days was bringing God into my Day.