Sometimes being thankful is just seeing things a different way.
I am thankful for:
* Dirty dishes because it means we had a meal and dishes to eat off of.
* Dirty laundry because it means we have plenty of clothes.
* All the complaining about the government because it means we have free speech.
* The parking place far away because it means I can walk.
* For the cult members at my door because it means we have freedom of worship.
* For my kids hangups because that means they are normal.
* For my shadow because it means I am outside in the sun.
* For the noisy neighbor kids playing outside because it means I can hear.
* For the clothes that are getting tight because it means I have enough to eat.
* For the sore muscles when I get home because it means I had a job.
* For taxes I pay because it means I have a job.
* For my noisy kids because it means I have a healthy happy family.
* For the alarm that goes off because it means I am alive to see another day.
* That people keep asking me for favors it means my friendship and talents are valued.
* For my wife's snoring because it means I have someone to share my bed with.
* For my worn out shoes because it means my God and I have been walking a long time together.
There are a lot of things we can complain about but if you take a little time and give it a little thought you will see there are reasons you can be thankful for those things.