Sunday, January 6, 2013

Thankful For Questions at the New Year

The New Year us here, in fact it may be a week old already. The logical thing would be to post something about how I am thankful for the last year and how I am thankful for the next year.

We measure our lives in many ways. We have days, hours, weeks, months, years, anniversaries, birthdays and so on. It is good and helpful to have these measurements but we forget the destination. We are not just a year closer to retirement or some other major event; nor is it just that we are a year closer to ending our pilgrimage on earth and taking a place in heaven. But are we a year closer to being the person God means for us to be? Have we grown in Christ likeness this last year and will the next year bring us further along to being more like our Savor and Lord?

I am thankful for all that the Lord has done for me and my family this last year and I am optimistic that the next year will lead to more blessings for which I will be thankful. I look back at my personal growth and feel that I have made some measurable progress toward the goal of every Christian- that of being worthy of the name Christian. Of all the blessings God has given me I feel very grateful for the gift that we may grow in the image of Christ.