I am a parent, which means I worry. My kids are in their late teens and early twenties and they are mostly grown up. They can just about fend for themselves and get along in the world. Yet every time one goes out my door I wonder if they are going to be all right. I wonder if they will become victims of crime or get into an accident, or somehow lose their way in this complicated world.
Every sensible parent should pray, and I do. I pray for each of my kids. I have no control over the events of the world and the things people do, but God does. No matter how much I love my kids God loves them more.
My son had two job interviews today, and that is an answer to prayer. At first we thought one of us would drive him to the interviews him since he is new to driving. However we had to work at our jobs so we gave him the car. I imagined all kinds of dire scenarios, where he would get lost, or miss the interview or the worst case- a car wreck. During the morning I said several prayers for his protection.
I came home and I confess I walked over to the car he drove and looked for any new dents. In the house my son was wearing his good clothes which he put on for the interview and was watching TV- alive and well.
He reported that his only problem was he got a little lost but made it to the interviews.
I am thankful that my son navigated the road, the map, and traffic safely. I am thankful that God watches over him when I can't. I am thankful that God has given me prayer and he answers prayer.