We can easily see why we should be thankful for the big things. If we have a new job when we really needed it we are very thankful. If we are healed of a dread disease we are thankful. If we avoid a huge accident we are thankful.
There are many more events daily than those huge life events. Today, I thought I would pick up a couple of pizzas after work and bring them home for family dinner. I felt it was something I should do, maybe God was prompting me to do it since they were on sale. Yet I worried, since my wife does most of the cooking because she is so much better at it, so I wondered if it would be well received for me to intrude on her plans by bringing pizzas home. I was worried that I spent too much money on them.
It turned out that she was tired and really didn't want to cook, so it was a good thing that I brought home the pizzas. I was thankful to be able to do something to make my wife's day a little easier. I was thankful she didn't see it as an intrusion into her plans for the evening.
It is just a little thing to bring home something; but it is one example of many daily situations that should cause us to be thankful.
And I really recommend Neuman's pizza.