I experienced a reversal of fortune and found out that an opportunity has been denied to me. It is just a circumstance that occurred without malice, just an event.
I do have a lot to be thankful for, Such as:
- A loving family.
- A secure Job.
- Today I took a walk with my wife.
- I got to see my daughter play in the orchestra.
- I have good health that is excellent for a man my age.
- I live in a mostly peaceful society free from civil unrest.
- I have food, clothing, shelter, and all the basic needs.
- Money is tight but we are not penniless.
Though I should be filled with gratitude I am not. Instead I keep saying, "Oh, why did that opportunity vanish? Why am I not getting ahead?" I keep thinking about what I wanted and how it is denied me. I spiral down and think of other lost opportunities, and failings in my life. This mindset feeds itself on itself and grows more gloomy and dark.
I focus on the bad. I keep thinking on the negative. It is human nature.
I do not know what works for other people but for me I know if I make a concerted effort to focus on the good my outlook improves. The Bible is full of commands and teaching that we should give thanks. Thankfulness has to be taught and commanded because left to ourselves we are not going to be thankful. That is just the way we are.
I can make list of things to be thankful for, I can say prayers of thanksgiving and send expressions of gratitude to those who have been a blessing to me. I am sure those strategies will help but I need power to energize change.
Humans do not have a thankful nature, but when we find salvation in Jesus he puts his Spirit in our hearts and by the power of the Spirit we are changed into new creatures- change will happen.
To know more about how Jesus can change you life follow this link: Salvation.