Monday, September 17, 2012

Little Things Can Make Us Thankful

Today, my son in university phoned.  It was a blessing to hear his voice and to find out that he is doing OK.  No matter how much they grow you still worry about them.  His university is in California and we live on the east coast so we feel the distance sharply.

A phone call is a small thing; it is just a thoughtful use of a few minutes.  However, a phone call can be a big thing because it conveys so much.

In this case, my son's call conveyed that he is still connected to our family even though he is thousands of miles away.  It let me know he is well and not troubled by anything.  It let me know more than the information he conveyed about room-mates and classes- it communicated his respect and that he sought to honor his family.

I appreciated being able to offer some fatherly advice, (us dads are always full of it anyway). He was gracious to listen to what I had to say.  I enjoyed hearing his views on the culture, climate, and environment of his new California home.  I was excited to learn about his adventures in college.

I cannot claim success in raising children I feel God has put His blessing on our family and for that I am thankful.

To be thankful for the little things takes practice and you have to do it on purpose, but it is a good practice and you never regret it.

(c) Adron 9/17/12