Saturday, September 22, 2012

Why Thankful for Helpers at Club

I am involved in a church outreach called Awanas. It is a great ministry and is run like a kid's club where kids come and sing songs, hear stories, play games and learn God's word.

Like all church activities there is always more work than workers. It has always been this way even the Lord Jesus said, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Pray the Lord of the harvest to send out workers while it is yet day."

I feel very thankful for the church I am attending that they have such an encouraging leadership who bring many people into the blessing of service. On our Awana club nights there are crowds of adults and teens helping to run the club. The near hundred and fifty kids who come to hear God's Word are loved, cherished and cared for by mature solid Christians. It is so wonderful to look around and see so many serving God, and it is humbling to be part of it.

I am thankful for the companionship of such committed Christians. I am thankful to be part of sharing the Gospel. I am thankful for the blessing of serving a loving God in such a rewarding way.  I am thankful that when you love children in Jesus' name they love you back ten times more than you ever could love them.