Saturday, September 29, 2012

Why I Am Thankful for Flowers Today.

I like flowers, I think they are beautiful and a blessed expression of the transient frailty of life. I love how my wife has made our poor little deck into a garden. It is a sad day for me to not have time to get outside and admire the blooming flowers.

It is now Autumn and many of the flowers have passed into memory, though there are a few who struggle on. Among my favorites of this late season are the morning glories. The variety we have bloom in the morning with a bright deep lavender cone shaped flower; but wilts in the heat of the day, so sadly by afternoon they are gone. I have been enjoying seeing them in the mornings and appreciating them.

This morning I had to leave for work early. I walked my bicycle across the deck and took a quick glance at the morning glories that peeked out from large green leaves. I felt sad that I would only have a moment to see them; I was sure they would wilt like soggy tissue paper by the time I got home.

When I returned home in the late afternoon I was happily surprised to see there were many morning glories still dotting the boundaries of our garden. Perhaps the passing clouds prevented them from wilting or the recent rains kept them from drying out, I do not know. It was a joyous blessing to see they were waiting for me, I feel that God kept them fresh just for me as one of the many little ways he has of showing his love and care. My heart felt like giving a little thank you and praise to our God who works out every little detail.