Monday, October 8, 2012

Thankful For America

One of the virtues of being thankful is that it helps one to not take things for granted.

Where I live you can work one or two jobs and earn enough- even plenty to live on, and still enjoy a day off or two days off each week. In some parts of the world people must work hard every day without a break just to earn basics such as food and shelter. For those life is not about acquiring the enviable life style of others but just to maintain existence.

I am not wealthy myself. I drive a used car when I can afford gas and ride a bicycle when I can't. I never can afford to take my wife out to dinner, and many times we eat leftovers and receive charity of friends.  We are constantly looking at finances seeing what we can cut back on; we've cancelled subscriptions,  memberships, cut out meat four nights a week, and are committed to bag lunches.

I am grateful for the wealth of America; even though I am not wealthy I benefit greatly from the wealth in my community. We have paved roads, clean water, electricity, dedicated civil servants and so much that just living here is a blessing. I can speak freely, earn a living, worship in my own way, travel, I can own property, and pursue happiness for me and my family within the boundaries of conscience.

I am grateful to God for this country and the many who have sacrificed their lives for its vision. It is not perfect but it is the best around. I pray often for God to continue to bless this country and to bless those who serve it.