Sunday, March 24, 2013

Thankful to pick up my son from the airport.

Today I went to pick my son up from the airport. These kinds of places really get me confused and I feel like I wander around trying to figure things out.

The parking garage was easy enough. My other two sons were with me and that was good because in the narrow confines of the parking garage I had a hard time seeing what space was free and which one was not. But Joey saw one and we pulled in.

The garage is across the boulevard from the terminal. So we had to take an elevator to the enclosed walk across. I was enjoying being with the boys. We stopped to discuss a strange glass and iron sculpture.

The monitors revealed that hundreds of flights were scheduled to arrive or depart. I looked for a long time and found that the one that my eldest was on had already landed. The gate was a long walk from where we choose to park, so we began a quarter mile walk to the gate while I tried to figure out how to use my cell phone to call and let him know we were there.

It only took a short time and finally I got a message sent. We waited and finally were able to call on the cell and talk to him and found out that he was outside waiting. I was relieved that we were not wandering all over the airport looking for him and he was not anxious that we were there.

I turned around and he was there. After a hug and reorganizing ourselves we began a long and merry walk back to the garage. The walk was full of catching up news.

I was very thankful that the event was uneventful. There could have been many little mix ups with time and places that could have caused trouble.
I was thankful that my son is able to come back for spring break from his college.
I am thankful to see all my boys together for a while.
I am thankful that it was a good day.