My high school aged daughter is very involved with a lot of school activities including track. This morning before going to school she advised us that there was a track meet after school, and that even though she was not scheduled to compete she was going to attend to help and cheer her team mates on. It was news to us.
After work I drove to the school and sat in the freezing wind to watch the meet. It was fun to watch young people race around the track against each other.
It was with difficulty that I found my daughter in the mass of youth in their various clumps, and groups and the individuals who were straying across the field doing various task in support of the meet. I finally saw her carry three apparently heavy pole vaults from the far end of the filed to the storage shed. They must have been heavy and difficult to wield for she stopped frequently to rest and renew her clutch of the long poles.
Later she drug dozens of hurdles out to position for the runners. In between races she raised many to new heights for the different classes of racers. Later she relocated many of the hurdles for yet another race. After the meet I watched her trudge back and forth across the field to return the hurdles to the shed. It took a long time. I couldn't help but think what a hard worker she is, and how dedicated to the school track team.
I was thankful for the opportunity to see her in action and to observe her developing character. It must be a gift of God because I do not ever remember teaching her to be a hard worker or to be a person of such dedication.