I work at a grocery store. It is a blue collar job where I do ordinary cashier duties. The store pays a little better than most grocery stores. I have other income like teaching art and selling art occasionally- I should say rarely. I think I work hard but money is tight and the bills are like an unending tug of war in our household.
We are trying to get ahead and pay down the bills; we have sought counsel, taken a class on family finance, and have a plan. But the universal law that if something can go wrong it will seems to constantly apply, and now the family van needs new brakes.
The grocery store has a profit sharing program where twice a year we get a bonus check. It is a percentage of our earnings for the last six months. The checks were issued last week and I received my on Saturday. I was expecting a low sum since the economy has hurt our store and sales have been down. When I opened the check I was surprised to see the sum was almost twice what I expected. It will be a great help toward fixing the brakes on the van, and we will not need to go into deeper debt to do so.
I feel the Lord has blessed our efforts to obey the Bible's teaching to stay free of debt, and God was preparing in advance to meet our need.
God's will for us is to work, (man was put in the garden to till the soil- Genesis 2:15), and he blesses us when we work.
- I am grateful that God blessed our honest hard work with the finical resources to meet our own needs
- I am thankful we will not be borrowing on credit cards.
- I am thankful for the bonus check and that we can fix the brakes.
- I am thankful for my job at the grocery store.