Saturday, May 18, 2013

What To Do When You Don't Feel Thankful

It has been a hard week and today was a hard day: and I am looking ahead to a busy next few days where I do not see much relief.  I know I have many things to be thankful for but I am tired and do not feel thankful. I feel that I do not want to think much about the things I am thankful for and I feel that I do not want to spend time giving thanks to the Giver Of All Blessings, my Lord.

I know I should be thankful. I have been blessed. The very fact that I have been busy reflects that I have a family to care for, a job for an income, a home to live in and maintain, a church community to serve in.

Feeling thankful is not the same as being thankful. Feelings are a blessing but the knowledge of what is right is the motivation of thankfulness. We give thanks because it is the right thing to do.

Though I don't feel thankful I will give thanks because I am blessed and the one who blesses is Good.

     * I am thankful for friends, family, home, job, chores, hobbies, and duties.
     * I am thankful that my diligent service is an opportunity to demonstrate my grateful stewardship of the blessings I have.
     * I am thankful that we have dirty dishes to clean up because that means we had food to eat.
     * I am thankful that we have a messy house to clean because that means we have a home to live in.
     * I am thankful for the aches and pains of getting old because that means I am still here to do some good.