My wife came home from bringing a meal to a needy family in our church. She related to me about their difficulties. It was a family where the mom just had a serious health complication and the church was providing meals to help. The mother was absent from the family instead there is a grandparent, A sister in law in a wheelchair lives there also a single father with his son, all living in a small two or maybe three bedroom house.
I often look at the houses of others who seem to be well off, people who live in nice big houses and drive nice cars. I look at their possessions with envy. I wish I could have given my family nice vacations and a nice things. But compared to this family at our church I feel that I have it pretty good. We enjoy reasonably good health, we both have jobs, we are not behind on our bills, and there is plenty of room in our town house to be comfortable.
God has blessed us and given us what is best for us. I do not imagine I will ever be able to afford those big things I covet but God is wise and gives what we need. I am grateful that he is good to us. The day may come when we are tested with illness, loss, or real poverty, I hope to be able to call on his grace when the time comes.