Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Thankful for Our Twenty Fifth Anniversary

It has always been my belief that love is a matter of giving sacrificially. It is a kind of giving that asks nothing in return and sets the interest of the other ahead of your own. Having tried to keep to that ideal I have found that I have received more blessings that I have given.

The morning I write this is the morning of our twenty fifth wedding anniversary. It is a joy to me that I have been married to a wonderful woman for so many years.

  • She has cared for me like no one else ever would. 
  • She has always made me a better person.
  • She has taught me how to grow up, without ever saying, "Why don't you just grow up!"
  • She puts up with a lot, (us moody poets and artists are very difficult people to live with).
  • The best times of my life have been with her.
  • No one could ever take her place.
  • If I had the chance I would marry her all over again.
I could write out a very, very, very long list of the many ways she has been a blessing to me and the joy of my life but no one would have the time to read it.

I am thankful that God brought her to me. I couldn't imagine life without her. I dare not imagine what a mess I would be without her. I thank God for her every day.