Monday, July 1, 2013

Why I Am Thankful For Mondays

Most people wake up on Monday morning and think, "Oh, too bad, the weekend is over and now the hard week begins again."

Sometimes I feel that way too. I feel that the weekend is a time of more quality or worth when I can pursue fun or recreation. Now Monday is here and I have to be a worker who labors at job, home life and community service- it is no fun.

God has given me work as a blessing which many do not have. The blessing is not just to earn money but to know the one who gives the blessing better, in a sense God is in the blessing.

A week of work may present me with a lot of hard tasks but God will be there for each one. We think that we can't call on God for the little things but wait for some crisis before we cry out to him, but every little task of my workday is an opportunity for fellowship with the Creator. Each task offers me a test to partner with God in doing well at work and service.

I am the same person no matter if it is Monday, Sunday or Wednesday. I have the same blessings no matter what day of the week it is. If I am living unto God each day the day does not change who I am.

I must remember to be thankful for Mondays; it is a commitment to do so because of a conviction that God wants me to be a thankful person.

I must remember each day is a gift no matter what day of the week it is. It is a gift prepared by God and a gift full of his purposes. If I embrace that gift I am embracing God's plan for me for that day.

 (c)Adron Dozat 7/1/13