Friday, June 28, 2013

Why I Am Thankful For My Son At Work

I have a second part time job delivering a local neighborhood newspaper. It takes several days to do the route. It is more complicated since the papers need to be hung on the doors in clear plastic bags. My son helps me get it out sometimes when things get a little rough; he can do this since he is home from college now.

I have had other helpers but for many reasons this one is the best. Last night we were out delivering the paper and it started to rain, and it rained hard with heavy splashy drops that got you very wet very fast. We put up with it for a few minutes but were quickly soaked.

"Wait here and I'll get the van and we will go home for tonight." I shouted over the roar of water all around us.

I left him sheltered under a tree and ran through the deluge to the van, becoming more soaked. When I drove back to the tree where he was I didn't see him. "I must be at the wrong place." I thought, and drove to a second place that looked like it. He wasn't there either so I began to drive all over the little neighborhood looking for him. I began to notice the papers were hanging on the doors in houses, so I was sure he must have been on a street over and drove to the other street to look for him.

After about a half hour of slowly driving around the neighborhood I saw the shadow shape of him through the down-poor standing under a tree and stopped.

"I'm sorry I couldn't find you, Where were you?"

"Just thought I would keep on going," he said. His hair dripped rivulets and his clothes clung to his skin he was wet all the way through.

"Wow." I thought in disbelief, "What a hard worker." Anybody else would have just quit. I was very proud of him.

I am thankful that my son has such character and willingness to work.