The week had many highlights. Wednesday Carolyn had the last of the "heavy" Chemotherapy for her cancer. It took all afternoon. The side effects are mostly controlled by some medicines so she doesn't get so sick but she is very very tired. The tiredness grows and grows over about a week and then she starts to get to feel better. But it is a mile stone in this chapter. I am thankful that we live in a place and time when the medicines are available like this, at other times there was no hope. I am thankful for the kind people we met and who have helped us.
Carolyn and I worked a little on the potted plants on the deck. I like our deck to have a lot of colorful flowers. It is my favorite place to sit and I love to read the bible there in the morning and pray. Sometimes I just sit there and look at the pretty flowers. I bought a couple of little fl owes on a great sale, they were summer and Autumn bloomers which I thought we needed; but it became a problem that they were not suitable for flower pots but were intended as ground cover. Carolyn figured out what to do with them and one is at home in the flower bed in the front yard, and the other is in a pot in the back. I thank God she is able to fix all my mistakes.
Thursday I had to work a late shift but was grateful that someone from church brought a meal for the family. The kids went to the movies. I don't like movies but had to go to work so it was not a problem. Work was hard but I am glad to have a job.
When I got home from work Thursday night, around 1230 am, there was a note on the table. It was that someone from our church needed help painting some backdrops for the performance put on by the kids performing arts club. They rehearse a play as part of their summer vacation bible club and then perform the play a musical on Friday night. Well they needed someone to help paint the stage backdrop on Friday. Friday is my day off and I was looking forward to relaxing. In the morning my wife told me that the person at church was expecting me to call at 1030 to arrange to do the work. So Tim and Joe and I went to the church and spent the day painting portable walls white and some stage steps black. As always the preparation took longer than the actual work. It is exciting to do something physical and tangible for the Lord and to do something where you can see the results.
Carolyn's sister came to town from North Carolina Friday and so the kids went to the pool to play with their cousins. When I got back from painting at the church I got a little rest and went to Carlyn's parents house for dinner and visit with her out of town relations and those who live in town but we don't get to see so often. They are wonderful and kind people. We had a good time but poor Carolyn didn't get to enjoy the good food since she was not feeling well.
Saturday rained and that was nice since we have had a very hot few days and high muggy humidity. It is not like where I grew up in California where it gets 100 or 16 degrees and you are hot but you are not so uncomfortable. Here the humidity makes it much more worse. You get sticky and the air is oppressive, it may only be 80 or 90 degrees but it feels 110 because of the humidity and you cant do anything about it because your sweat does not cool you off.
The highlight for my weekend so far was a long walk with my "treasure," Maddy. After dinner (delicious leftovers), Saturday night we walked on one of the bike paths. We had a nice talk. She brought up some questions about the bible and we talked about God's plan and that He had a plan even before he made Adam and Eve, and that his plan meant he would die for Adam's sin but he still made Adam because God is love. We saw a deer on the path with a 4 point rack. Very rare in our parts being a suburb and all.
Well that catches us up for now. It is almost midnight and I need to get to bed to be rested up for church tomorrow.