Friday, August 31, 2012

Thankful For The Kindness Of A Friend.

I had a flat tire. It was on my bicycle that I ride to work about six miles each way. I looked at it and there seemed to be a slash in the inner-tube which I couldn't hope to repair.

Having a flat tire at the end of the day and facing the possibility of walking the six miles home was not a pleasant one. I had a very hard and physical day at work and it was an early day after working the closing shift the night before; I expected to be dead tired for days to begin with and to add a long walk was a daunting even depressing thought. If I had money I might have gone to the gas station and had air put in and see about a patch. Times are hard and I don't carry any money, so I was not able to get anything done at the gas station.

I began a long walk pushing my bicycle for what I expected to be a two hour hike over rolling hills on a hot afternoon. I had gone about a half mile when a car pulled up next to me and the driver said he recognized me from the store where I work he asked if I would like a ride.  I didn't want to bother the guy or get his car dirty, but he repeated the offer and said it would not be a problem.

Together we managed to get my big old bicycle inside the car's hatchback and after a few minutes of rearranging things in the car drove off down the road. It was especially nice to ride in a nice new car home. It was nice to get home quickly on a Friday night. Best of all was to get to know an acquaintance  better and become more friendly.

I will have to deal with the tire tomorrow but it is a blessing to be home. It is a blessing to know that people are kind and friends are willing to go out of their way for you. I feel that God sent him along as an angle of mercy I am very grateful to the Lord for this man's kindness.