Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Thankful That The Project Was A Success

I am thankful that the Lord blessed my work on a charcoal sketch of a friend. It was a project I was anxious about. My friend gave me a photo of himself from a long time past and asked for a drawing of it in a large size. It was to be something that he would leave to his children.

Since he was a kind and gracious friend I wanted to do the best I could. I really wanted the picture to be the highest quality I could make it. I felt many times over the last few weeks that it was not coming along as I would like it. I often sought God's guidance and help to do a good job. Finally I felt the project was about as done as I could make it.

I delivered the picture today and the gentleman was overjoyed with it. I was releaved to see his pleasure of having the picture. The gift was well received and he declared that once it was framed it would go in his living room. I couldn't be happier.

I am grateful for the opportunity to do this gesture for a fine friend and I am thankful for the Lord being my helper.