The Holiday is over and we are all back home and safe. People always have a sense of relief to be home after traveling; there are so many things that can go wrong, or if they do go wrong we are thankful that we made it through the situation.
This holiday we drove 500 miles to see my wife's sister. It was a long ride on the interstate freeway. We take it for granted that we can get in a car, buy gas, go on a road, and get where we want to. God in his providence has allowed our country to build roads and supply resources on the way so we can travel. Many places this is not a freedom that everybody except the elite few enjoy. We did not have to carry our belonging on our back but in the van. We did not have to rest frequently or find food, like would happen in other less developed countries. We did not have to saddle donkeys or water mules that pulled a cart like in days past, (in America at least).
The freeway is swift, smooth, lighted, and patrolled by committed safety personnel. It is generally safe, but accidents happen. In the last month I have passed accidents where cars and vans had been badly damaged and people hurt. I am aware no industry or system can foresee and protect a person from the unexpected accident.
My thankfulness is compounded by the providence of God who allowed blessings which permit us to travel and by the protection of God who watched over us as we did so. We should remember to be thankful that God is watching over us and protecting us, it is too easy to forget.