I am thankful for many things today and every day. I think I could make a long list just from today alone, but one thing stands out- some songs.
While at church I was sitting waiting for my teen age daughter to come out of the youth meeting and had a conversation with another old geezer my age. We were taking one of those little trips down memory lane and were singing a few of the old Gospel songs from the Jesus Movement of the 1970's. They were not destined to be classics like Amazing Grace or A Mighty Fortress is Our God, but they had a message about being a loving people. One song reminded us that Jesus said, "A new command I give to you that you love one another just as I have loved you... By this all men will know you are my disciples if you have love for one another." (John 13:33-35). Other songs about love for one another came up, there used to be a lot in the old days.
Songs are powerful, they teach ideas and attitudes; they can bring on emotions or recall memories. Like looking through an old scrapbook remembering an old song can cause us to enjoy the memories.
While thinking about these songs I remembered some of the attitudes and experiences of the old days. There was a sacrificial attitude of love and service in the community of faith then, and I wonder if the Church still has today.
It was a nice reminder of the teaching of the Lord to love. I hope others will remember those old songs about love for one another and that as a single body of faith we turn to the Gospel of Love and make it fragrant again.
I am thankful for songs that are a reminder of the basic that I must love.