It is the end of my day and I want to think about what I have to be thankful for, but nothing jumps into my mind. This is part of the struggle of being thankful. God has been good and we should thank him even if it just doesn't spontaneously sprout out from us.
Sometimes it is that we feel like we are recycling old thanks. We feel like we thanked God for that thing yesterday or last week and so it is redundant to express to God our thanks again. But that is a wrong attitude. God has continued to bless and so we should continue to be thankful. If it is something we expressed thanks for in the past it is still good to thank him again.
It is different when something is exciting and fun; we thank God then and he is honored it just might be more honor when it is not an emotional response. To be thankful when the coals of emotion are cooled off may be the greater thanks, because it is a decided and deliberate thanks.
I am thankful for...
* My family. I was able to spend special moments with several of my family today.
* That my wife found some good deals when shopping and saved money on needed things.
* For my church and the ministry of the leaders there.
* For a day off from work and a job to go to.
* That I wrote a poem. (Read my poems in my other blog).
* For the washing machine. It would be so hard to clean clothes without it.
* For our home.
* I enjoyed some hobbies today.
* Though I spent a lot of time driving my kids different places I was given safety on the road.
* For our country.
* That God has watched over our family and kept us safe.
Some of these things were mentioned in past post, but I am still thankful for them, and God is still honored when I give him thanks.