Weekend chores are not fun and sometimes make us wish we were back at work instead.
I had a burned out headlight in my car, I was going to fix it myself to save money. These jobs always fill me with anxiety and end up giving me frustration. I started out with a prayer to God to give me help. This time I had a surprise. The video on the internet gave me some good advice. I found a car parts dealer that was very helpful, and the set of two head lamps and two brake lights only came to twenty one dollars. The job was easy compared to my experiences in the past. I was glad that the designers of the car figured out some easy ways to do things. I felt God was helping me.
I had to put some paintings into frames for an upcoming art show. There were some prints I had to mat, mount, and frame under glass. I am much better at painting a picture than I am in framing it. I do not have a big table to lay out the mat-board and cut it, or all the tools to do the job right, but the pictures all were done by midnight. I am grateful at how beautiful they looked when they were mounted and framed. I believe the Lord was helping me.
Laundry was piling up since I had been doing other jobs. It is an easy thing to toss the clothes in the washer with a handful of perfumed soap, then push a button and come back later to clean clothes. I am thankful for the modern machinery that allows us to do things so easily. In other countries, and many places here, clean clothes are the result of hours of scrubbing, rinsing and drying out. It is wonderful to do several loads of clothes without thinking about it.
A few weeks ago I bought something at the store that we didn't need or use. We can't afford to spend money carelessly, it is the Lord's money and we have to be careful how we use it. I took the item back to the store. In the parking lot I prayed for God to be with me, I hate to stand in line and fret that they are going to give me a problem and for some reason they won't accept the return. I was glad to have the receipt still in my possession since I always louse them, and was happy to see no one in line at the customer service counter. This is rare. The store made it so easy I was almost overjoyed when she said she put the money back on my credit card.
There are always jobs like cleaning to do around the house. I am thankful to have a house to clean, when so many people do not have a home. I am more thankful that these jobs are ways I see God as my helper and provider. No matter how little the task I find I can ask God and he is there.