Friday, May 31, 2013

Thankful for Strawberries

A couple of years ago we bought a box of six strawberry plants which we planted in a container. They struggled to mature and produced little sour berries the first year. We tried to encourage them to produce better by transplanting them into what we hoped would be a happier place in the ground behind the deck. The next year they gave little berries but not so sour.

I kind of gave up on the strawberries and let them go a little wild this year and almost forgot about them. Then the other day my wife brought in a bowl of big delicious strawberries. She said that there had been more but she tasted one and it was so good that she just couldn't stop eating them.

Every day since I have gone into the yard with my bowl and harvested a little crop of strawberries. They taste so much better than the ones in the store! They are so sweet and juicy.  The plants have set out runners and there is a second generation of berries that are of the small tart kind but they will mature next year and we will have even more berries.


  • I am glad that we didn't do anything rash like pull them all up when they were sour. 
  • I am thankful that we have the fun of going out and discovering delicious little red treasures under the leaves. 
  • I am thankful that picking and enjoying them are a little something we as a family can do.
  • And I am thankful that God made strawberries.