I am not into sports since I was always small in school and was never picked for the teams during recess. I am more of the thoughtful contemplative type.
I have a friend who I see at work that is a referee for a local rugby league. He is a great guy and fun to talk to, and he can always talk about rugby. He invited me to come see a game he was refereeing on Saturday. I got off work just before the game and it was on my way home so I stopped by. I thought I would pay a polite nod to my friend and after a few minutes leave.
I had a great time! It is a wild game, very fast and fun to watch. The local boys were getting slaughtered by the out of town team but it was very entertaining. I sat on the grass on a little knoll and enjoyed the sunshine and the cloud filled blue sky. Just watching the game I felt energized. If I wasn't twice as old as the kids playing and so out of shape I would try out for the league.
My friend came over during the quarter breaks and filled me in on the rules and strategies of the game. We had fun talking together.
It was a break. I work hard on my two jobs, volunteer at church, and come home to more work, so it was nice to have fun. I thought about it later on and realized God who knows all things was trying to get me to slow down and enjoy some of the blessing he has given us called life.
I will make it a point to attend other games.