Saturday, July 20, 2013

Why I Am Thankful For The Test.

Where I work every six months we have to take a different test. I guess it is to make sure we are complying with regulations and that we know our jobs. Each associate must pass the test with a 95% or better but some test must be 100%.

I do not take test well. I always freeze up, I question my answers, I over analyze the questions and start to read things into them that may not be there. I worry because if I do not pass I must retake the test after 24 hours and keep taking it until I pass.

I was not aware this morning as I was sitting on the edge of my bed praying and asking God to watch over me, to guide me, and be my helper throughout the day that I would be taking two test at work, or else I would have gotten on my knees and really assaulted heaven with prayer.

The short morning prayer proved to be enough. In the training room, I sat at the console and brought up the test on the computer. I thought briefly, "Lord be my helper." I resolved to read the questions once only but carefully and trust my first choice. I do not know why but as I answered the questions I was thinking this is too obvious, these are too easy. At the end of each test I had a chance to review and change the answers but I just went ahead and hit submit. Each time the screen spun and stopped with "Perfect score 100%"

I am thankful for little things like passing a test because The Lord is my helper.