Last night I was wandering around the internet and I came to a link about astronomy, it said that at dusk the planet Venus would be its brightest all year and it would be easy to see since it would be near the moon. Since it was almost dusk I looked outside and I felt God was with me and saying, "Let's just take a look shall we?"
So I went out and looked up and there was the moon and next to it a bright point of light- Venus! I climbed to the top of the hill behind my house where the school playing field is and from the center of the field gazed at the scene in the sky as night fell. It was truly beautiful.
I marveled at the blessing of finding out by accident of the rare sight and the timing that was perfect to view it. God's creation is beautiful and I worship him for it with thanksgiving.
The stars began to come out and as each one did it pondered the vastness of creation and therefore the even greater vastness of Him Who Created.
I wondered if The Heavenly Father could do such marvels in the night sky what can He do in the lives of those who love him and are willing to be used. (c) Adron
So I went out and looked up and there was the moon and next to it a bright point of light- Venus! I climbed to the top of the hill behind my house where the school playing field is and from the center of the field gazed at the scene in the sky as night fell. It was truly beautiful.
I marveled at the blessing of finding out by accident of the rare sight and the timing that was perfect to view it. God's creation is beautiful and I worship him for it with thanksgiving.
The stars began to come out and as each one did it pondered the vastness of creation and therefore the even greater vastness of Him Who Created.
I wondered if The Heavenly Father could do such marvels in the night sky what can He do in the lives of those who love him and are willing to be used. (c) Adron