Yesterday on my job at the department store I did a major goof up.
The cash register computer has a screen that tells several things at the end of each transaction. One is the amount a customer saved with the discount program given to members of the store, shown in blue in the middle of the screen. Another is the change to be given back and it is shown in red. My mistake was to read the wrong set of numbers as the change. The customer saved twelve dollars but his change was supposed to be two dollars. I gave him twelve dollars instead of the two.
I began to ring up the next customer and the man I gave too much money came back and told me my mistake.
If he didn't I am sure the till audit would be ten dollars off and I would be in trouble. It all comes from being too much in a hurry and not paying attention; not to mention it was the second job since I already worked eight hours at the grocery store earlier that day.
I thank God that this man was honest and had the integrity to come and give the money back. I am sure it saved my job. It just reminds me what a gracious God we have who is always watching out for us.
The cash register computer has a screen that tells several things at the end of each transaction. One is the amount a customer saved with the discount program given to members of the store, shown in blue in the middle of the screen. Another is the change to be given back and it is shown in red. My mistake was to read the wrong set of numbers as the change. The customer saved twelve dollars but his change was supposed to be two dollars. I gave him twelve dollars instead of the two.
I began to ring up the next customer and the man I gave too much money came back and told me my mistake.
If he didn't I am sure the till audit would be ten dollars off and I would be in trouble. It all comes from being too much in a hurry and not paying attention; not to mention it was the second job since I already worked eight hours at the grocery store earlier that day.
I thank God that this man was honest and had the integrity to come and give the money back. I am sure it saved my job. It just reminds me what a gracious God we have who is always watching out for us.
(c) Adron